She can be found monthly at the congo and she also has her own personal website for buying, here is her facebook page and she also stocks the Diaperpalooza congo.
How did you become a WAHM?
Kim- My MIL had an embroidery machine that she rarely used because it too complex for her. I started playing around with it when we were hanging out at her house. I started getting all sorts of ideas about things I could make, and thought maybe I could make some extra money while being creative. So, she ended up selling it to me and the rest is history! How long have you been sewing/creating? Kim- I had never sewed anything more than hemming a pair of pants before I started experimenting with my MIL's embroidery machine. That was the summer of 2007.
What motivates you to sew?
Kim- It gives me purpose. I love being a wife and mother first and foremost...but having a creative outlet that is "mine" and that I can share with other people has really given me fulfilment. It's something that is just "Kim"...not mommy, not "Kim & Joe".
Are there days when you just want to throw your hands up and forget about being a WAHM?
Kim- Yes. When my bathroom is filthy (I do have 2 boys and a husband!), when the fish tanks are gross and need cleaned, or when I'm just plain tired and want to lay on the couch an do nothing. But at the end of the day, I enjoy what I do and I believe in honoring the commitments I've made to people.
In an average week, how many hours do you devote to your work?
Kim- It's so hard to figure out, because I'm always bouncing back and forth between sewing and taking care of my family and house. If I had to guesstimate, I would say about 30 hours a week.
What would you say is the most challenging thing about being a WAHM?
Kim- The balancing act. Making a schedule for myself of what needs to be done when, and making it work while still taking care of my family's needs and taking care of myself.
What is your favorite thing to make?
Kim- Embroidered diapers, hands down. I love designing the diapers and working out how I want the finished diaper to look...and then executing it. They are my most popular product, too, and I love watching people get so excited about something that I've created!
Do you have a favorite fabric print?
Kim- I don't really have a favorite print...I don't really work with a lot of printed fabrics. I do love minky, though. I use it for all my embroidered diapers, and I would make everything out of it if I could!
Have you ever made something to sell and then decided you couldn't part with it?
Kim- I haven't, only because the majority of things I make are custom orders. Embroidered diapers are the only thing that I pre-make to sell, and no matter how much I love a design, my son potty trained a while ago.
And last but most importantly, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Kim- Why the chicken of course!
Check out some of these gorgeous creations:
Kim is offering a free custom diaper as a giveaway. To enter, you may do any of the following and each counts as an entry.
1. Comment on this blog.
2. Like the FB page and comment here that you did.
3. Like Kim's Cloth FB page and comment here that you did.
4. Share the news of the giveaway on your personal FB page and comment here with a link.
I will close the contest at some point on 9/10 and will announce the winner on the Congo's FB page!