Our vendor of the month this month is Nikki of Nikki's Little House and Coco Bear Cloth. You can find her on Facebook here. And of course, on the Cuties Congo.
How did you become a WAHM?
My mom and I had a craft shop when I was in highschool called "Nikki's Little House". We closed it after a few years because I was busy with marriage and all things young adults do. I continued to sew projects for people, and do yearly craft shows. In 2007 I went ahead and became "official" so I could venture out and begin to sell commercial diapers and other retail things. People started recommending me for different projects, and before I knew it, businesses were calling me for embroidery.
How long have you been sewing/creating?
I still have a project from when I was 7 years old with my mom! It was a turtle pin cushion. So I'd say probably a year or two before then. My mom has always been a crafter, even as a little girl she made her own barbie clothes and furniture, so it's like second nature to me.
What motivates you to sew?
I am always getting new ideas and inspiration from lots of different places. If I could, I would sew full time! Mainly, my motivation comes from others who ask me to do things for them. We start working on something, dreaming it up, and then I get excited to make it as close to what they are wanting, if not better.
Are there days when you just want to throw your hands up and forget about being a WAHM?
I am sure many people have those days. When I found out I was pregnant with #3 I considered it. I already have such limited time with homeschooling and the other two kids. But I just can't give it up, I love it too much.
In an average week, how many hours do you devote to your work?
It has definitely decreased lately, but still probably 15-25 hours a week.
What would you say is the most challenging thing about being a WAHM?
Just finding the time. And I always feel bad because I rarely make things for my own family.
What is your favorite thing to make?
Stroller blankets are my favorite thing to make. I love them because I like to combine fabrics, choose coordinating ribbons, and make them unique. I think it makes me happy because I created the pattern out of my own head, and I still love it and find new uses for them.
Do you have a favorite fabric print?
Not one specifically, I just love fabric in general. I like modern prints for adult items, and for my girls I like nature inspired fabrics. Owls, trees, elephants, birds. My Nikki's Little House logo is very "me".
Have you ever made something to sell and then decided you couldn't part with it?
A cupcake boppy cover. I was making it for a congo, then decided it was perfect for Chelsey when I was nursing her. And we still had the old one that came with the boppy from when I was nursing her sister 4 years prior! So, I decided that was for her.
And last but most importantly, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken, of course. Who would have laid the egg? ;)
Check out some of the cool stuff she has made:

Nikki is offering a cute owl keychain as a giveaway. To enter, you may do any of the following and each counts as an entry.
1. Comment on this blog.
2. Like the FB page and comment here that you did.
3. Like Nikki's Little House FB page and comment here that you did.
4. Share the news of the giveaway on your personal FB page and comment here with a link.
I will close the contest at some point on 2/22 and will announce the winner on the Congo's FB page!