Sara has her own HyenaCart store and she also stocks on the CWCB Congo every month and the Boytique Congo which is having it's grand opening on Aug 23rd.
How did you become a WAHM?
Sara- I have always done my own small business ideas. My husband and I used to work together to rebuild and paint motorcycles and cars to resell before I got pregnant. A few months before I got pregnant with my son Cace we had opened a dog bakery in Florida and sold to local dog friendly stores. I was laid off at 9 months pregnant and my idle thinking about cloth diapering turned into a need because my husband had been laid off months before as well. Since I already new how to sew I started making my own. Six months later I started doing testing and in March of 2010 I opened my Hyena Cart store Designs by Cace!
How long have you been sewing/creating?
Sara- For as long as I can remember. My mother and her friends used to do a weekly craft get-together and she brought me along. They also attended craft shows every year. They taught me sewing, quilting, basket weaving (I can whip up a mean basket in no time, lol) decorative painting and stenciling. All sorts of stuff.
What motivates you to sew?
Sara- My mother passed away when I was 13 and I don't have very many other memories of her. I do it because I enjoy it and it makes me feel close to her and that she is proud of me.
Are there days when you just want to throw your hands up and forget about being a WAHM?
Sara- Sometimes, but we could use the extra money it brings in. With my son Cace being sick at random times every month with his fever disorder and all of his appointments a "real" job would never work out. I need the flexibility being a WAHM offers even if it means I will never again remember what sleep is.
In an average week, how many hours do you devote to your work?
Sara- I try to do 3 hours a day, but it only happens maybe 5 days a week. So I'd say an average of 15 hours, 20 if the stars align, everyone takes good long naps and my husband helps out so I can tie up loose ends before a stocking.
What would you say is the most challenging thing about being a WAHM?
Sara- Trying to not say "just a second" 8 times in a row and ignore what my son wants. Sometimes his train tracks will sit in pieces a little longer then they should because I am determined to finish something. I'm trying to break the habit, but some days I just can't. Trying to find that perfect balance of work and family time is hard.
What is your favorite thing to make?
Sara- I think my favorite thing to make currently is the Bite Me Dino from Booger Bear Creations. They are so cute and I love all the different fabric/ribbon combos I can create.
Do you have a favorite fabric print?
Sara- My cotton Red Sox print. Super hard to come by and an awesome yard sale score!
Have you ever made something to sell and then decided you couldn't part with it?
Sara- Pretty much anything New England sports related has a very hard time leaving my house. I usually have to make two
And last but most importantly, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Sara- the egg, the chicken wasn't here yet when I got the itch to CD, and he was 5 years in the future when my husband and I first started being in business for ourselves :P
Check out some of the cute stuff she makes:

And now for the giveaway, Sara would like to offer the winner their choice of a custom diaper or a custom Bite Me dino!
There are three ways to enter. Make sure you include an email address so that we have some way to get in touch with you!!
1. Comment here. Easy, right?
2. Go to our Facebook page and "like" us. Come back here and comment that you did.
3. Share the link to this blog somewhere out there in cyberspace. On your facebook page, on a forum, on your blog, wherever! Then, come back here and share the link to where you posted.
Good luck! The giveaway will end on 8/10 and I will draw a winner using!