Monday, July 18, 2011

Handwashing Diapers

So this is basically it. These pics were taken about two years ago. I did this every day for a few months. Don't mind the gross tiles. It's not mildew, just really old and peely grouting that is in desperate need of redoing:

-Prerinse with Tea Tree Oil and Baking Soda

-Swish swish swish. Notice my ghetto swishing stick. It's a baseboard. I don't even know how I came into possession of that. Moving on....

-Drain. Then fill tub again but this time add detergent and OxyClean. Oh, and at this point, you might need a glass of wine. Then swish swish swish again for a while and leave them there for at least ten minutes. Drain.

-Squeeze out excess water with your (CLEAN) feet. In this pic are a lot of mama made diapers plus a few Happy Heiny's, a Mac a Doodle, Roo Bug, and a few prefolds.

-Fill tub again. Rinse (by way of swishing.) Then using your sink, rinse and wring each diaper individually.

-Place on rack to dry. Have another glass of wine.

1 comment:

  1. awesome!! Makes me wish I had a tub just to try! LOL
